Exclusive Music Licence LICKD ‘Love Me Again by John Newman’ License ID: bOy69mya6pZ
Embrace yourself and all that you are.
Life is hard and we tend to look at others and wish we had what they have or looked how they look. When in reality so many people probably look at you and wish they had your smile, your eyes, size, heck your boobs, butt. Society has put this image in our heads of the “perfect body” that is bologna. Skinny girls want the “curves” thicker girls want a flat tummy.. we all see beauty in different ways. Truth is each one of us are beautiful in our own way. Of course, I look at other girls and compare myself, but what does that help? Putting myself down, because I see the beauty in someone else. Recently, I have been feeling more confident in myself and I’m loving this feeling. Please read my Blog ‘Down The Rabbit Hole’